Ihre Hebamme in Hannover-Kirchrode und Umgebung

in english

thank you for visiting my homepage, I’m always happy to work with english speaking women.
After 3 years of midwife education and training at the renowned Charité in Berlin (1995-98) I started working at the Chelsea&Westminster hospital in London. Working there was a great opportunity for me, I learned a lot and it was a great experience.
After 4 years in England I moved back to Berlin where I started freelancing. In 2006 my son (born 2001 in London) and I moved back to my home town, Hanover, where I do antenatal check ups in a gynecological practice or at families homes. I give classes (such as antenatal and post natal exercise classes) and I also visit families at home during the postnatal period. Since April 2010 I have been employed on labour ward in Henriettenstift Kirchrode.

In Germany every socially insured woman is entitled to these services. If you have any questions or are interested in being cared for by me, please don’t hesitate to call me or send me an email.

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